Over the past years the approach to kidney biopsy has evolved using
ultrasound techniques during and before the procedure to assess the correct
positioning of the automatic needle for the kidney biopsy. Adverse events
might be possible, but rarely are severe. Nowadays, for this reason,
ultrasound-guided kidney biopsy is the gold standard to collect
kidney specimens for histopathological analysis.
Query (when available more than one answer allowed):
Radiology Other, please specify ............. 25 ≤ x ≤ 50 50 ≤ x ≤ 75 ≤ 75 Nephrology Hybrid Other, please specify ............. 2 3 Electronic Microscopy Immunohistochemistry Nephrologist/Pathologist Nephrologist 16 Gauge 14 Gauge Tomography Other or Combined, please specify ............. NO Absent Present in nearby structure Bouin Other, please specify ............. 3 µm 4 µm PAS Silver-stain Trichromic Congo-Red Other, please specify ............. Other, please specify ............. IgA IgM KLc LLc C3 C4 C1q C4d Fibrinogen IgG subtypes Collagen Amyloid Other, please specify ............. Outpatient Both
[1]Working Group of the International IgA Nephropathy Network and
the Renal Pathology Society,D.C.Cattran,R.Coppo,H.T.Cook,et al. The
Oxford classification of IgA nephropathy: rationale,
clinicopathological correlations, and classification. Kidney
Int,76(2009), pp.534-54.5